"What do you do?"
"And how's that going?"
"I'm doing my best."
I remember as a young girl sitting on my rooftop looking up at the cosmic night sky. Every once in a while I'd see a shooting star. I'd wish that I'd have some direction in my life. Something that made sense. Made me think it was meant to be or I was meant to have a concrete idea of a career I count stand on my own two feet with. Something I could call mine; through blood, sweat, and tears.
I think back to that lonely girl and wish I could give her some comfort. But, I don't have an answer yet.
I'm still lost in the void of this world. Trying to live day to day with the hopes of understanding myself better.
My biggest fear is not being able to stand on my own two feet with what I truly love to do. I don't want to drown in a black hole of despise for a job that doesn't provide gratification.
So, here I am, scrambling to make money to survive while continuing the passions I have.
Even if only few hear my music or see my photography, at the very least I can say is I tried.
But I don't want to just try. I want to succeed.
"And how's that going?"
"I'm doing my best."
I remember as a young girl sitting on my rooftop looking up at the cosmic night sky. Every once in a while I'd see a shooting star. I'd wish that I'd have some direction in my life. Something that made sense. Made me think it was meant to be or I was meant to have a concrete idea of a career I count stand on my own two feet with. Something I could call mine; through blood, sweat, and tears.
I think back to that lonely girl and wish I could give her some comfort. But, I don't have an answer yet.
I'm still lost in the void of this world. Trying to live day to day with the hopes of understanding myself better.
My biggest fear is not being able to stand on my own two feet with what I truly love to do. I don't want to drown in a black hole of despise for a job that doesn't provide gratification.
So, here I am, scrambling to make money to survive while continuing the passions I have.
Even if only few hear my music or see my photography, at the very least I can say is I tried.
But I don't want to just try. I want to succeed.