Beyond the Sun is a collection of my feelings from the past year. A lot deals with loneliness and feeling far away. Rather, that's a usual theme of mine. But, even so, I think the melodies have a great deal of heart to them and aren't particularly held to the sadness or loneliness I feel. It's all so complicated, hence why I make music!
I believe this is a first, but I truly LOVE each one of these songs on this album. It has been a long year of creating, but I find myself humming along to all these new melodies I've created. It's like a summary of all my hardwork and dedication to my music for the past 10+ years all in one album.
I think, WOW, I like these. He he he...
I can't wait for you all to listen! And don't forgot, you can use my music on instagram, facebook, Tik Tok, etc. for your posts. All my streaming music is available in the libraries for your reels.
<3 The Princess of Mars